Friday 17 September 2010

Signs and a BIG Incentive

Fridays are nominally Official Hints Day (although I’ve been a bit lax recently, sorry about that). Anyway, I’ve decided that signs are closely related to hints, so today’s post starts with a sign:

Yep, that’s a real, honest-to-goodness, watch out for kangaroos sign, taken on the highway between Melbourne and Ballarat. How much more Australian could you get?

When I first visited Australia in 2003, we played the Australia Points Game where you got points for doing typically Australian things (or things you could only do in Australia.)

For example – eating kangaroo. (Tastes like venison.)

Kissing a man called Bruce. (I didn’t do this personally, but one of our party did.)

Seeing a sign like this:

And I have decided that, as an added incentive to potential sponsors (see yesterday’s post, below) anyone who donates $25 or more to hike4hunger can request me to do the quintessentially Australian activity of their choice. I will provide photographic evidence of same and post the photo and story on this here blog.

The only proviso is that it can’t be hazardous to health or excessively expensive.

Other than that, knock yourself out!

(But not like this.)


  1. How much is that in non-gold supported money? Can I get lots of things done for multiple donations? Do you know anyone called Bruce?

  2. Can the person who didn't kiss Bruce, not kiss and tell?

  3. If I donate will you let a dingo eat your baby?

  4. I didn't ask her to let a dingo eat your baby, so what's the problem?
